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Friday, September 26, 2008

Eleanor Stump, Aquinas and Job, and "pain as medicine",M1
Read a bit to get past the providence stuff and good sources for Aquinas writing in other places on suffering. not sure what the word would be. But good even to compare to methodological differences - it's probably not "tristitia" he's talking about there - probably "dolors" and other things - "tristitia" would be a disease of the appetite - depending on many things - its a kind of sickness. But it would be interesting just to compare how "tristitia" would be more or less harmful - being "closer to the seat of the apetite" or however he says it.

Here's my old reflection on Job which can help:

Ftnts from Stump:

pauline epistles and suffering - ftnt 3 of eleanor stump
p. 49 - scg roughly contemporary with job

ftnt 42, (I cor 15:19) 45, (Collationes credo in deum - sect. 11) 46, (super ad philipp - ch. 1 lect. 2) 47 (super ad roman - ch. 5 lect. 1) 48 (super ad galat - 5, 6) 49 (philip - 4, 1) 50
59 (job - ch 1sect 6 and 7) 60 (17, ch. 2-9) - very interesting - job commenting on his friends and their lack of learning
3 - commentaries on paul prob. written during aqu. second parisian regency 1269-72 - tugwel and weisheipl

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